Transport Logistics: 9 to 12 May, 2023 |  Hall A3 Stand 329/428  |  Messe München (DE)

Wireless temperature sensor

Online temperature registration 

Temperature fluctuations in conditioned transport lead to spoilage, product loss, fines, dissatisfied customers and damage to image. Real-time monitoring of your load ensures that you can intervene in time and prevent spoilage: The certified wireless temperature sensors from T Comm Telematics accurately record the temperature in the refrigerated trailer 24/7. If required, you receive an alarm notification by e-mail and SMS when a limit value is exceeded. With the automatic reporting, you can demonstrate to your customer after each journey that the goods were transported in the correct conditions. This makes you a reliable partner!

✔ Easy and fast application
✔ Can be connected to almost all cooling machines

Interested in our services? Request a free T Comm demo