Transport Logistics: 9 to 12 May, 2023 |  Hall A3 Stand 329/428  |  Messe München (DE)

Experience the value of innovative telematics

Improve efficiency and security through flexible data optimization

In a rapildy changing logistics world, flexibility and agility are essential to be successfull. With our passion for Transport and Logistics we want to help eliminating inefficiency by making Internet of Trailer data actionable. In our vision: IoT means Internet of Trailers!

Our verified online ‘Internet of Trailer solution’, consisting of hardware and wireless sensors, makes all relevant data actionable on our user-friendly backend platform. T Comm Telematics allows you to work with all relevant data of your valuable transport solutions.

Many leading transport and warehouse companies, both in conditioned and non-conditioned sector, experience already the advantages of T Comm Telematics. You can prove and guarantee the quality of your services, give added value to your clients and in the meantime optimize your process.

Added value of T Comm Telematics

  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Demonstrable load and vehicle safety
  • Ensure relevant data from Cargo and Cargo Carrier

Latest news


T Comm is expanding hardware and firmware in collaboration with Cloud++

T Comm is expanding hardware and firmware in collaboration with Cloud++ T Comm is always focused on creating, renewing, adapting, and innovating.In collaboration with Cloud++, we have established an effective…

LEMAN achieves TAPA TSR 1 certification

LEMAN achieves TAPA TSR 1 certification Jan Rørby Wiitanen, Business Development manager at LEMAN Pharma Road & Healthcare:"Safety and quality are paramount in LEMAN's Pharma division. Many of the products…
Connected devices
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Years of experience
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Do you want to be successful in telematics?

Our solutions

Trailer tracking software with wireless measurement and registration

Trailer track main module

Determine location of trailers 24/7 and gather all EBS data

Wireless temperature sensor

Real-time monitoring of temperatures

Wireless door sensor

Real-time monitoring of your door status

Wireless fuel level sensor

Optimising fuel consumption, preventing theft and dry running

ACT Platform

This is how it works


Wireless sensors provide 24/7 visibility and insight into critical success indicators.


All relevant data is available real-time and online on the ACT platform and via proactive reporting and visualizations.


Relevant data and visualised points for improvement and action in readable reports stimulate thinking.


Making operational, tactical and strategic decisions based on data: DO IT!

Get inspired​

Featured reference

T Comm is expanding hardware and firmware in collaboration with Cloud++