T Comm is expanding hardware and firmware in collaboration with Cloud++

T Comm is expanding hardware and firmware in collaboration with Cloud++ T Comm is always focused on creating, renewing, adapting, and innovating. In collaboration with Cloud++, we have established an effective partnership to enhance our services. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47jfjITF7Rs
LEMAN obtient la certification TAPA TSR 1

LEMAN obtient la certification TAPA TSR 1 Jan Rørby Wiitanen, responsable du développement commercial chez LEMAN Pharma Road & Healthcare: « La sécurité et la qualité sont primordiales dans la division Pharma de LEMAN. De nombreux produits que nous transportons ont une grande valeur et peuvent potentiellement sauver des vies. Il est donc important que […]
G. Willigenburg: « T Comm allows us to give the ideal picture to the customer »

G. Willigenburg: »T Comm allows us to give the ideal picture to the customer » GERT WILLIGENBURG, DIRECTOR G. WILLIGENBURG »From T Comm we use the wireless temperature registration. This is very important for us to be able to indicate the actual temperature in the cargo. » Interested? Request a T Comm demo! Request a demo
Hoogvliet Supermarkten: Instant insight into the temperature, and easy reporting!

Hoogvliet Supermarkten KEES TWILT, TRANSPORT OPERATIONS MANAGER AT HOOGVLIET »Thanks to the T Comm system, we can wirelessly and easily measure the temperature in our load carriers. This way, we know for sure that our goods are transported in the right way. »
Gilbert de Clercq: ‘ACT platform for telematics is very user-friendly’.

Gilbert de Clercq Sven Beeusaert, CTO Gilbert de Clercq: « We have been using the trailer telematics systems from T Comm Telematics for six months now. Especially because of the wireless truck-trailer link. That way we know exactly who is driving our trailers. » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkP-w08Ix1Y « We work a lot with entrepreneurs. It is very helpful for our […]
MC Transport & Logistics: »Who knows what the market will bring tomorrow? »

MC Transport & Logistics ROCKY CRICK, DIRECTOR AT MC TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS »Thanks to T Comm, we are able to keep track of the temperature registration and positioning of the vehicles throughout the transport. »
STEF Nederland: ‘T Comm provides us with the necessary info of each trip instantly’.

STEF Nederland ‘The temperatures in our trailers are crucial within the chain. We are ultimately responsible for the shipment and our customers expect a full report on the transport. T Comm Telematics offers this excellently.’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaSZBiL8Noc An independent company with one point of contact »The most important reason why we chose T Comm is the […]
Van Straalen De Vries: ‘Thanks to the T Comm platform, we leave nothing to chance’.

Van Straalen De Vries »At the time, there was more of a need to track the equipment deployed. In the past we had a board computer solution, but then you soon miss half the equipment. The investment in this equipment is substantial, so you want to know what the return is. That is why we […]
Hessing Logistiek: « Temperature of vulnerable vegetables can be seen at any time ».

Hessing Logistiek Marcel Vermeulen, Operations Manager Hessing Logistics: « The vegetables we transport are vulnerable and temperature sensitive. For IFS and HACCP this must be ensured and be visible at all times.Also because of customer requirements we use the temperature tracking system from T Comm Telematics. » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlttYB8urXg « We used to do that by hand and on […]